Camden County Scattered Sites Housing
Funded by the New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance Agency, the Scattered Site Housing Project (SSHP) is a program designed to serve adults and families living with HIV. The goal is to move participants from this transitional housing program to permanent housing.
A continuum of care is provided to move clients towards self-sufficiency by providing case management services that include educational referrals, life skills training, counseling, and medical consultations/referrals.
This project differs from others because the project itself is the leaseholder and therefore responsible for paying rent and other conditions stipulated in the lease. As the leaseholder, the project is also responsible for monitoring clients on a weekly basis to ensure apartments are kept clean and free of damage.
Prospective clients must meet certain criteria for consideration into the program. They must undergo an intensive needs assessment to determine and identify their individual needs and those of each member of the family. A Case Plan is then developed based on those needs and community resources are accessed to assist clients in completing case plan objectives.
The project’s goal is to enable clients to build a secure foundation through case management, life skills development, and their own self-determination. Having accomplished these goals they are then ready to take over the leases or move on to other affordable housing.