Millicent Fenwick House
Named after the renowned Millicent Fenwick, a four-term US Congresswoman, advocate for prison reform and one of NJAC’s earliest Board members, Millicent Fenwick House is a Residential Community Release Program (RCRP) for up to fifty women on pre-release from an NJ state correctional facility. Fenwick House offers substance abuse treatment and other supports in conjunction with a work release component.
Fenwick House is accredited by the American Correctional Association (ACA) and licensed by the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Office of Licensing as a Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program operating in a Department of Corrections RCRP Facility.
Case Managers and other professional staff work closely with each resident to help her access the tools and resources needed to maintain recovery, become employed, and establish other positive connections to aid in a successful reentry into the community, with a focus on those areas known to reduce risk of recidivism. Each resident at Fenwick House is able to obtain a job, attend a school, or receive training upon reaching the work release phase of the program. All residents also complete service hours as a way to give back and become involved in the community.

Residents at Fenwick House have access to a variety of services based on the level of need. These services include substance abuse counseling, education, and relapse prevention; vocational counseling; parenting skills and child reunification activities; and mental health counseling sessions.
Participation in an RCRP is voluntary. Individuals choose to serve out their sentences in the community with the understanding that they will adhere to strict accountability requirements on their movements in the community and work on established goals with the support of program staff. All residents are referred through the NJ Department of Corrections.