NJAC’s Pathway Program is part of a statewide system of nonprofits forming a coordinated and collaborative effort to ensure a continuum of care and treatment from prison to community. Pathway is focused on citizens returning to Middlesex County and is funded under the NJDOC NJLEAD grant (New Jersey Locally, Empowered, Accountable, and Determined).

Working in concert with the NJDOC’s Office of Transitional Services, NJAC’s Reentry Support Specialist provides pre-release and post-release case management services and assists with reentry supportive related expenses. The goal is to ensure that the rehabilitative work and academic and vocational training implemented inside the correctional facility continues and expands immediately upon release from the prison to reduce the likelihood of recidivism.

NJAC’s Pathway program is based out of the Middlesex County Resource Center. Participants are referred through NJDOC and may also self-refer within three years of having been released from jail or prison. The Reentry Support Specialist can be reached at 732-247-2770.

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